Veterans Memorial News is dedicated to helping the men and women who have fought for our Peace and Freedom.
Membership includes your own login/profile, which will give you the ability to reach out to other veterans across the country, promote your events/fundraisers, share with other veterans and sponsors your personal accolades & achievements, years served, and your own personal stories and experiences.
The "Military Rewards Program" is designed specifically to provide direct assistance to Veterans' in need.
Our Mission is to build you a central location for you to create your biography to share your memories with your family for years to come. Your account will allow you to scan and upload photos and tell a story with your experiences that you would care to share with our nation.
Please visit our In Loving Memory page to upload your image of a family member or loved one no longer with us.
Veterans' Memorial News donates all " In Loving Memory Images" for military professionals to be memorialized. This memorial includes their military photo, branch image and date of birth and passing along with any eulogy or tribute. All who have fallen across our great nation will never be forgotten.
The more veterans' we get involved with this special program the more effective the outreach!
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